BSL stands for Boot Sole Length. This is the length of the boot sole in MILLIMETERS. Typically the BSL is stamped into the plastic of the boot on either side of the heel or on the sole itself.
Type 1 Skier
A type 1 skier prefers skiing cautiously and at slower speeds. This skier is most comfortable on smooth slopes of gentle to moderate pitch. As a type 1 skier you prefer lower than average release/retention settings so in the case of a fall your bindings are more likely to release. A type 1 skier is an entry level skier uncertain about their classification.
Type 2 Skier
A type 2 skier prefers a variety of speeds. A type 2 skier will ski on varied terrains and explores different parts of the mountain. If a skier cannot decide that they are a 1 or 3 they are a 2. A type 2 Skier prefers average release/retention settings appropriate for most recreational skiing.
Type 3 Skier
A type 3 skier prefers faster speeds. A type 3 skier likes going fast and skis aggressive on slopes of moderate to steep pitch. Type 3 skiers prefer higher than average release/retention settings. As a type 3 skier they prefer decreased releasability in a fall in order to gain a decreased risk of inadvertent binding release.
Some skiers from experience have been dissatisfied with the release/retention settings from their normal skier classification. If you have a special concern you may wish to select a lower or higher skier classification. These skiers may wish to select lower or higher skier classifications or select skier type designations that are different for twist and forward lean. Mention any dissatisfaction to your binding technician.
Type -1 Skier
A type -1 skier is for skiers who desire lower release/retention settings that type 1. This will further increase the risk of inadvertent binding release but will gain increased releasability in a f all.
Type 3+ Skier
A type 3+ skier is for skiers who desire higher release/retention settings than that of a type 3. This will further decrease releasability in a fall but will gain a decreased risk of inadvertent binding release.
*By selecting "mount bindings for me" you are waiving all liability against Miller Sports. All mounted bindings will be tested to the physical stats given to ensure the safety and quality of the binding. It is however the customers responsibility to have the bindings DIN setting properly adjusted AND tested to the specific ski boot.